It’s time to stop hiding.

Put me in coach, I’m ready!

I see you. I hear you. It’s time to quit playing small.

Congratulations! You’ve finished your training and are a full-fledged coach or, at least, well on the way. You’ve been thinking about your business. What is it going to look like, what’s my niche, who can I best serve? All great things to work through… and then it hits you. How am I going to do this? You know, actually, get clients?!

Do I need a website? What email service am I going to use? How often am I going to post a blog? Should I make a Facebook Business Page, Group, or just use my personal account - or maybe I should just use Instagram - or TikTok? Should I put together a content calendar? How many times a week am I posting? Hashtags, SEO, paid ads, and oh shit, landing pages, and lead magnets…

Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My!

So. Many. Options.

Insert mild panic attack here… Then take a deep breath.


But seriously, did you take a breath?

Here’s the deal. While all those things could be important, maybe they aren’t right for you right now. The best way to get started with clients is to start telling people that you are a coach. Grab your Tiger’s Eye (or whatever crystal lends you strength and courage), put your big girl pants on, and claim to the world that you are a badass coach.

That’s all you need to attract the clients, right?

Well not exactly. But that is the first step!

You know that you don’t have to have it all figured out before you start, right? You don’t need business cards, a social presence, email, blog, or even a website to be a coach, make money, and change lives.

“But I have all these things to do before I can be an actual coach. I need to look like a business in order to be taken seriously.” If this thought has ever run through your mind and it’s what is stopping you from coaching. We need to have a chat, like, yesterday. Let’s work together to set up your unique business with your unique needs - the elements suited for you and speak to your clients.


Hi, I’m Heather.

I’ve spent a lifetime working through shit, healing, and growing. From having to change my identity from “the skinny girl” to figuring out that I don’t want kids and accepting that traditional relationships aren’t my jam. Everything in your life is a choice and you can make the decision to be different. Instead of hiding and playing small, you can choose to show up big. The best part is that it doesn’t matter who you used to be, what decisions you have made in the past, or what you used to do. You have the power to change. Right now. Nothing else needed. And you know who else benefits from that shift? YOUR CLIENTS!

Hard truth. All the people you are here to serve can’t benefit from your coaching until you decide to stop hiding.

Stepping into your power and voice can be hard, but you are not alone.

You are worthy. You are deserving. You are valuable.

our session will be…


Are you having trouble getting started - resisting the things you know you need to do to get clients? Your business is as unique as you. We aren’t going for burnout while you chase your dreams. Let’s figure out what YOUR business needs and what YOU need to succeed!


You’ve heard the saying "fake it ‘til you make it”? Well, there is no need for that. We will get you set up feeling confident in your coaching and the look and functionality of your business. Attract your ideal client both online and in-person with an integrated marketing strategy.


If your website is giving you anxiety and just thinking about setting up your emails, blog posts, and social media channels are stressing you out, you need this. As cheesy as it sounds, help is just a click away. Seriously, click the button below and feel the relief knowing you don’t have to do this alone.


“It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world ... As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

— Marianne Williamson


the total package

Ready to elevate your business and brand? Let’s figure out a strategy and build a presence you are proud to show off. Together, we can bust through your resistance and procrastination and get you confident in both yourself and your business image so that you can show up for your clients - proud AF of what you have to offer.


strictly business

You have the skills. You have the confidence. You are ready to show up for your clients in a big way, but you want your business image to match the high-level coaching you offer. Click this button to get the deets and see how we can get shit done together. Feel as confident with your brand image as you do with your coaching.


strictly you

You have the skills to make your business image look any way you want. Honestly, you’ve designed and redesigned every aspect of your website, your programs, your business cards, all of it. It still doesn’t feel quite right, though. Let’s take a look inside. Find your inner Lioness. When you are ready to show up for yourself and your future clients. When you are ready to stop faking it ‘til you make it and just MAKE IT, let’s chat. You have everything you need to be the best coach. So what are you waiting for - click to upgrade

Let’s start the conversation and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.

You don’t need another certification…

You have everything you need and you are everything you need to be to have the business and life of your dreams. Sometimes we need a little reminder of our awesomeness and sometimes we need a little help to get moving in the right direction. I’m here for that. Let’s get your brand and image put together so you can step into your light and be the coach you were meant to be.

When you are ready to talk, I’m ready to listen. Until then, follow along with a monthly-ish love letter (Signup below) or on social @heatherdisme.

sign up for love letters xoxo

Sign up with your email address to receive news, helpful tidbits, and general awesomeness. I aspire for weekly goodness, but honestly, it's more likely to be monthly.

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