“You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.”

- Max Ehrmann

The problem with running your own business is that you are running your own business. You are making all the decisions, doing all of your marketing, all of the customer service, billing, follow-up, appointment reminders, and at the end of the day, you are still the coach and you have clients to serve as such. How do you do all of the things that you have to do while still being the best coach you can be?

Ask. For. Help.

Did you just clench up because that feels wrong to you? “Why shouldn’t I be able to do all of these things and still have the capacity to hold space for my clients?” Girl, take some of that weight off your shoulders! You don’t have to know everything and be everything to everyone. When you go to the Dr., do you check in with the doc at the front desk? Does she take your vitals and get your basic info. or does a nurse do that? Exactly. Allow yourself to get help with some of the details so that you can have the energy to give your clients the best experience.

Starting anything can be scary. You don’t have to do it alone and you sure as hell don’t have to know everything before you get started. Allow yourself to be a beginner.

the total package


Here’s how I can help if you have no idea where to start. Tech stuff? We will work through that and get you set up with an online image you can’t help but show off. Confidence and declaring to the world that you are a badass coach? We will work on that, too.

This is what that looks like:

(12) Weekly 60-minute, 1-on-1 sessions with an option to do (3) 2-hour sessions

  • Comprehensive brand identity assessment

  • Personalized business and identity plan so you feel completely confident in your business image and program options (did I mention set up so that you can be seen (AND FOUND) online

  • Unlimited guidance and support via email

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles

  • Leave the program with complete control of your online image AND how to update and actually USE your website

Basically, when you finish the program, you will have the know-how to run your business. You will have a logo and brand guide, a functioning website, systems set up to make working with you an experience (the good kind), and the knowledge to figure out how to make changes when you are ready to grow into the next phase of your business. Gain a command of the programs that you will use daily and feel empowered to be seen.

Leave the program ready to strut your stuff on the catwalk…

or wherever you want to flaunt the goods.


a great logo

No graphic design expertise needed. I will help you create a logo and brand image that represents you and your dream business. Along with lessons and templates and strategies to create what you need moving forward.


a phenomenal website

Stress no more. We will work together to get your website set up. AND you will learn how to make adjustments and changes so your website is truly yours!


the best tools

Not every business needs everything. We will figure out where you want to go and then set up the tools that you need. Stop googling and overwhelming your brain and complicating things. Get started and then make adjustments as you go.


The total package gives you everything you need to step into your awesomeness and put yourself out there as the badass coach that you are.

You’ve gone through the training and became certified as a coach. You are so ready to change people’s lives… if only you could get over yourself and just do the things that will make a difference rather than going around and around with the things that aren’t actually moving the needle. Tell me, how long have you spent on business cards, coming up with program titles, perfecting your Instagram account, or mulling over which email platform will be the best?

Can I tell you something? While all of these may be important and a part of your business, they may be a procrastination technique. Busywork that makes you feel like you are doing something without actually doing the things that will get you clients and make you money.

When you are ready to put together an image you feel good about and feel confident in yourself as a person and coach, you are ready for the total package.

define. decide. do.

Here’s how this works…

01 — define

Together, we will take a deep dive into what you want your business to look like and how you want it to function as part of your life.

02 — decide

Once the first step is complete, we can move into the strategy portion. What are the steps we need to take to make your dream a reality? Which programs will help us complete those steps?

03 — do

Define (step 1) what is wanted. Decide (step 2) on the strategy and all that is left is implementation! Don’t worry. I won’t leave you hanging. This is where we will workshop setting up everything. You will leave with a fully functioning suite of business tools ready to hit the ground running - and the know-how to make adjustments as you grow.